The Foundation Carlo Maria Martini has been created by the Italian Province of the Society of Jesus, in collaboration with the Archidiocesis of Milan
honour the memory of this eminent Cardinal and scholar and to promote the study both of his life and of his works.
It also intends to
keep alive the spirit that animated his activities and which favoured the experience and knowledge of the Word of God within the context of contemporary culture.
In this perspective, the Foundation's commitment is structured by some specific guidelines:
- To build up an archive of his works, his writings and interventions, of the time when he was as Cardinal, as well as to promote the study of his publications.
- To sustain and continue the ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue, as well as the dialogue with the civil society and with non-believers; this will help to deepen this indissoluble link between justice, faith and culture.
- To promote the study of Sacred Scriptures in an interdisciplinary perspective.
- To contribute towards formation and pastoral projects which highlight the Ignatian pedagogy, particularly addressed to young people.
- To support and deepen the meaning and the propagation of the Spiritual Exercises.
The Foundation, which has its seat in Milan, is active all over Italy and also at international level.